Friday 5 October 2012

Components And Functions of Human Anatomy Skeletal System

The human anatomy skeletal system is a system made up of bones (both fused and individual) supported by associated cartilages, muscles and tendons. It is an essential scaffold that anchors body organs, protection of internal delicate body tissues and organs like the heart and the brain. The skeletal system of an adult human being contributes up to 40% of the total body mass. It is a major component of the body's hard parts.

Skeleton can therefore be defined as the hard framework of a human body around which other organs and body tissues are built or anchored. Newborn babies have more than 300 bones but as they grow up, bones fuse into singles masses, leaving adults with only 206 bones.

The human anatomy skeletal system comprises of three main parts as mentioned above. These are; the bones, the associated cartilages and the skeleton joints.Bones; this is the tough and rigid part that bears weights from your body organs. It forms a framework on which sensitive organs like the heart are anchored on. It is also responsible for the overall strength of the human body. A healthy human being has about 206 bones.Associated cartilages; this is a form of connective tissue which is also rigid and firm as bone. However, the biggest difference between the two is the mineralization factor with the bones being highly mineralized with calcium while cartilages are not.Skeletal joints; the human anatomy skeletal system is made mobile by a system of well-coordinated joints between two bones. A skeletal associated cartilage forms a bridge between the two movable bones.

The human anatomy skeletal system is divided into two major parts: the appendicular and the axial skeleton systems.Axial skeleton system; it forms the axis of the body and is composed of 80 bones. This system consists of bones of the skull (head), thoracic (rib) cage and vertebral column. Skull forms the bony framework of the head, consists of 22 different bones of the cranium and bones of the face. The rib cage is composed of 12 bone pairs while the vertebrae column consists of 33 bones. Appendicular skeleton; it has 126 bones that include bones of the upper and lower limbs, pelvic and pectoral girdles. The major function of this skeletal system is to make locomotion possible and also protect major body organs. It is a skeleton of appendages consisting of shoulder girdle, pelvic girdle, skeleton of upper limb and lower limb.

The skeleton of a human being is necessary for the following reasons.Provide strength, support and body shape; the body system of bones, cartilages, tendons and muscles give your body the shape and support an upright body posture.Skeletal systems like the rib cage and the skull protect internal vital organs which are very delicate.Bones like the heads of tibia have hemopoeitic activity (white blood cell production).

The human anatomy skeletal system like any other part of a human body must be well maintained in order function very well. Diseases associated with the skeletal system should be prevented or treated as soon as possible using recommended means.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Online Human Anatomy Course - Easier and Quicker

Do you want to be an outstanding medical student or professional? If yes, get a firm grip on the human anatomy portion. Talking about anatomy, it contains numerous terms related to bones, ligaments, muscles, and tendons, which drive you crazy. They are difficult to imbibe because of their enormous quantity and linguistic complexities. Moreover, books available in markets, are heavy and intricate enough to make anyone sick. Adding to all this mess, often we are too lazy to fetch a dictionary and look up for murky works and eventually; they remain unclear to us. However, there are some ways to avoid all these happenings. Yes, I am talking about the online human anatomy course

Wake up guys! You are living in internet era. It is time to leave that conventional method of buying plenty of books, reading their lines, highlighting and then cramming them. Enlighten yourself with some new methods like online courses. They are handy, quick, and easily affordable. Hard work is always given prime importance; however, this is the epoch of smart work. 

When everyone in your class is cramming immense anatomy books, you can join an online class and get better results. This is what we say smart work.This online courses completely help you in understanding all the important trifle details related to anatomical structures in a much better way. Books can give you complete information, but they can never make you comprehend it completely. Therefore, you cannot build concepts by reading loads of books only. 

Contrarily, an online human anatomy course gives you a different opportunity to recognize the information and understanding it thoroughly. Various ways are devised to make online students take in vivid concepts of anatomical terms and their details. For instance, flash cards technique is designed to make them learn the definition of difficult terms and their meanings. In this technique, a card flashes on the screen with a word, and then its description is given out. This technique is highly beneficial for memorizing confusing stipulations. Methods of diagrammatically representations and visual art, aid in the learning process. Funny videos made on muscle movements are not only enjoyable but easily digestible. 

These techniques are what make an online human anatomy course beneficial and stand out.In short an online human anatomy course is a complete package of fun and information. Sounds cool, doesn’t it? You do not have to pick up heavy books from book shops and pay hundreds of dollars for them. Just use your internet connection, subscribe to an online human anatomy course, and cherish your study moments. 

However, choose your online course carefully. Do not rely on techniques and apparent decorations only. Information and correct concepts are your true requirements, and you have to consider them foremost. So what are you waiting for? Stop saving your money for buying bulky anatomy books and go for an appropriate online human anatomy course. You can better spend that money on eating a burger during your online class. Few days and you will definitely start feeling difference in your treasures.

Friday 10 August 2012

Human Anatomy Diagram

The human body is a very complicated structure that many of us overlook especially since we aren't all doctors. We often forget how important certain parts of the body are and what role they all play in keeping us healthy. There are many systems in our body that make up our human anatomy diagram such as the the skeletal system, muscular system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, endoctrine system, nervous, system, respiratory system, urinary system, and reproductive systems. They're all a complex but significant role in our existence.

The skeletal system is important because it offers protected your your vital organs such as your brain and heart. Plus without bones, we'd all be big blobs of skin slithering around. There wouldn't be any support to keep our legs straight to walk or the movement of any part of our body for that matter. The marrow in our bones produces the red and the white blood cells and they also help us store calcium.

Another important system of the human anatomy diagram is the cardiovascular system. This system includes the heart and your blood vessels that are necessary for pumping oxygenated blood throughout your body and back to the heart. If the cardiovascular system failed to exist, so would our life.

The respiratory system is another part of the cardiovascular system that makes up the human anatomy diagram since it involves supplying your blood with oxygen. When a person inhales through their lungs, oxygen begins its process through the body where it is then exhaled as carbon dioxide. The vital organs for the respiratory system are the lungs, mouth, diaphragm, nose, and trachea.

In order for people and even animals to be able to excrete wastes, we rely on our digestive system. Every time we eat our food needs to be broken down into small pieces in order to give us the appropriate nutrients from the food but eliminate all the rest from our bodies. The digestive system is basically a long tube that starts once food enters our mouth all the way down until it's excreted from the anus. The major organs involved in the process are our mouth, esophagus which then leads to the stomach and down into the small and large intestines.

The human anatomy diagram also includes our nervous system. It's a very complicated and important part of our existence since your brain is involved. It's what causes our brain to communicate with the rest of our body. It tells parts of your body to move when you want it to. It even tells your body when your heart needs to beat and when your digestive system needs to be put to work.

The bladder, kidneys, ureters, and urethra are all part of the urinary system. The kidneys determine which vital minerals in the liquids we consume need to be kept and the rest of the waste is turned into what we call urine. Once the urine reaches the bladder, it's able to expand and be stored until it's able to be eliminated from the body.

The human body is extraordinary. Without really thinking about it, our bodies are acutally machines that constantly have to work to keep us alive. They fight for us and do everything they can to make sure we stay healthy even when we pollute it with food and beverages that our body doesn't agree with. Our human anatomy diagram shows us just how complex our body is and all the the organs that need to be properly taken care of. It's all an outstanding process that we'll never truly understand.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Essentials of human anatomy and physiology

Though every person has some profound knowledge of his/her body, not each one of them can claim to know the essentials of human anatomy and physiology, which is an import at component in the understanding of a doctor's consultation. Therefore, knowing about these essentials will reduce a person's probability of misunderstanding medical information that might be presented to him/her by a doctor. 

Another reason why learning about these essentials of human anatomy and physiology is important is because it enables people to understand what is going on in their bodies and particularly in times of sicknesses where they will be able to comprehend what is wrong with their body. It will equally importantly enable them to evaluate which medical intervention to seek at any given instance when they feel sickly. This is particularly important because cases abound of people seeking services of specialists who are basically not what they need at that moment.

Essentials of anatomy and physiology also enable people to know how they can strengthen certain areas and aspects of their body. For instance, those who lift weight are enabled to identify the requisite workouts for their individual purposes. This way they will be able to avoid majority of injuries that have becomes so prevalent in sports and such like activities while always managing to get the desired results. 

When we talk about having knowledge of the essentials of human anatomy and physiology we talk of knowledge not only of the body parts but also their respective functions. This therefore encompasses knowledge of the circulatory system and particularly how it pumps blood from the body tissues all the way to the heart and back. This knowledge is especially important because it can for instance enable one to understand how vein get clogged resulting to heart attack and therefore enable him/her to take preventive actions for the same. It also includes knowing about the respiratory system which essentially enables a person to understand how blood picks oxygen which it then disbursed to tissues and organs. The knowledge of the respiratory system is vital because it enables a person to detects any respiratory problem that may arise during it initial stages.

Another vital component of the anatomy that is definitely important to understand its functioning is the digestive system. This is because this system is solely responsible for any ingestion and therefore prone to various complications both major and minor. Therefore, by understanding about its working one can easily diagnose appropriately any complication and also be able to know where to seek the necessary medical intervention. An understanding of the human anatomy and physiology also includes knowledge of the working of the nervous system. For instance, somebody with the understanding of this system can easily comprehend the importance of the spinal cord which many people neglect despite its importance. This way a person can easily comprehend pains and what is supposed to mean.

Lastly, knowledge of the essentials of human anatomy and physiology amounts to nothing without the knowledge of the interrelation of the various body systems which is in line with respecting and caring for the well-being of body.

Sunday 5 August 2012

Good Anatomy And Physiology Study Guides

Access to right anatomy and physiology study guides will make your work in medical field to be easy very interesting. Understanding human body is very important. This guide will help you to learn and understand the terminologies related to medical field. The study guide will also include prefixes and suffixes of the terminologies, as well as assisting you to figure out which body parts are close to each others and how different body parts are interrelated. 

Anatomy involves the study of muscles, nervous systems, skeleton, and all organs systems, organs and tissues of the body. The group of superficial muscles is very common and obscure part of the body, sometimes one can question himself or herself whether the muscles can be related to such muscles like rhomboid muscles. One may also question himself or herself about other issues related to body part like ear bones which are not connected but are related. Using the study guide will help you answer these and other questions related to the body.

Good anatomy and physiology study guides will help us know and understand how systems of the body and body organs react to each other. A good guide for example will help us know the reason as to why splotches may develop to someone body when he or she gets near a cat ie it will teach us that when our bodies are allergic to some materials or things, histamines which is biochemical will boost white blood cells-plasmocyte-production.

Sometimes it is important to access an anatomy and physiology study guide so that you can understand and know the HPA axis mechanism properly. If you are a medical or nursing student, you may already know that the HPA axis is made up of pituitary glands, adrenal cortices and hypothalamus. if somebody is affected by panic or stress, these glands of hormones will actually produce some signals of biochemical distress to one another. Some researchers have actually indicated that if you upbring your child under conditions of stress, there is a higher chances that the child will not reach his or her full height. This is because the growth hormones will not do their work as the HPA axis is busy trying to respond to the stress.

A good guide should include journal posts and blogs that will help you understand various biomechanics. You should learn about various career paths. For example if one is a nursing student he or she can read on variety of nursing specialties which will help him or her in deciding which guide is right for him or her. A good guide will help you assimilate complex information type eg Pharmacologist should know how nerves, muscles and organs of the body react to his medications, technicians in x-ray should also be able to understand the prescription of the doctor in order to know how he should carry out his radiologic procedures.

If you would wish to enter into any branch of nursing or work together with a doctor, you will require a basic anatomy and physiology study guide.